# TensorFlow

TensorFlow was designed with mobile and embedded platforms in mind. We have sample code and build support you can try now for these platforms:

Android iOS Raspberry Pi

# How to use

Install Bazel from here (opens new window). Bazel is the primary build system for TensorFlow. Now, edit the WORKSPACE, we can find the WORKSPACE file in the root directory of the TensorFlow that we have cloned earlier.

# Uncomment and update the paths in these entries to build the Android demo.
#    name = "androidsdk",
#    api_level = 23,
#    build_tools_version = "25.0.1",
#    # Replace with path to Android SDK on your system
#    path = "<PATH_TO_SDK>",
#    name="androidndk",
#    path="<PATH_TO_NDK>",
#    api_level=14)

Like below with our sdk and ndk path:

    name = "androidsdk",
    api_level = 23,
    build_tools_version = "25.0.1",
    # Replace with path to Android SDK on your system
    path = "/Users/amitshekhar/Library/Android/sdk/",

# Remarks

Appreciated work by MindRocks (opens new window)