# AFNetworking
# Dispatching completion block on a custom thread
Whenever AFNetworking is used the call is dispatched on a custom thread provided by AFNetworking. When the call returns to the completion block, it gets executed on the main thread.
This example sets a custom thread that dispatch to the completion block:
AFNetworking 2.xx:
// Create dispatch_queue_t with your name and DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL as for the flag
dispatch_queue_t myQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.CompanyName.AppName.methodTest",
// init AFHTTPRequestOperation of AFNetworking
operation = [[AFHTTPRequestOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request];
// Set the FMDB property to run off the main thread
[operation setCompletionQueue:myQueue];
AFNetworking 3.xx:
AFHTTPSessionManager *manager = [[AFHTTPSessionManager alloc] init];
[self setCompletionQueue:myQueue];