# Ruby Version Manager

# How to create gemset

To create a gemset we need to create a .rvmrc file.


$ rvm --rvmrc --create <ruby-version>@<gemsetname>


$ rvm --rvmrc --create ruby-2.2.2@myblog

The above line will create a .rvmrc file in the root directory of the app.

To get the list of available gemsets, use the following command:

$ rvm list gemsets

# Installing Ruby with RVM

The Ruby Version Manager is a command line tool to simply install and manage different versions of Ruby.

  • `rvm istall 2.3.1` for example installs Ruby version 2.3.1 on your machine.
  • With `rvm list` you can see which versions are installed and which is actually set for use.
      user@dev:~$ rvm list
      rvm rubies
      =* ruby-2.3.1 [ x86_64 ]
      # => - current
      # =* - current && default
      #  * - default
  • With `rvm use 2.3.0` you can change between installed versions.