# Parallel computation

# Using the multiprocessing module to parallelise tasks

import multiprocessing

def fib(n):
    """computing the Fibonacci in an inefficient way
    was chosen to slow down the CPU."""
    if n <= 2:
        return 1
        return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) 
p = multiprocessing.Pool() 

# Out: [39088169, 24157817, 14930352, 9227465, 5702887, 3524578]

As the execution of each call to fib happens in parallel, the time of execution of the full example is 1.8× faster than if done in a sequential way on a dual processor.

Python 2.2+

# Using a C-extension to parallelize tasks

The idea here is to move the computationally intensive jobs to C (using special macros), independent of Python, and have the C code release the GIL while it's working.

#include "Python.h"
PyObject *pyfunc(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    // Threaded C code

# Using Parent and Children scripts to execute code in parallel


import time

def main():
    print "starting work"
    print "work work work work work"
    print "done working"

if __name__ == '__main__':


import os

def main():
    for i in range(5):
        os.system("python child.py &")

if __name__ == '__main__':

This is useful for parallel, independent HTTP request/response tasks or Database select/inserts. Command line arguments can be given to the child.py script as well. Synchronization between scripts can be achieved by all scripts regularly checking a separate server (like a Redis instance).

# Using PyPar module to parallelize

PyPar is a library that uses the message passing interface (MPI) to provide parallelism in Python. A simple example in PyPar (as seen at https://github.com/daleroberts/pypar) (opens new window)) looks like this:

import pypar as pp

ncpus = pp.size()
rank = pp.rank()
node = pp.get_processor_name()

print 'I am rank %d of %d on node %s' % (rank, ncpus, node)

if rank == 0:
  msh = 'P0'
  pp.send(msg, destination=1)
  msg = pp.receive(source=rank-1)
  print 'Processor 0 received message "%s" from rank %d' % (msg, rank-1)
  source = rank-1
  destination = (rank+1) % ncpus
  msg = pp.receive(source)
  msg = msg + 'P' + str(rank)
  pypar.send(msg, destination)

# Remarks

Due to the GIL (Global interpreter lock) only one instance of the python interpreter executes in a single process. So in general, using multi-threading only improves IO bound computations, not CPU-bound ones. The multiprocessing module is recommended if you wish to parallelise CPU-bound tasks.

GIL applies to CPython, the most popular implementation of Python, as well as PyPy. Other implementations such as Jython and IronPython have no GIL (opens new window).