# Verbatim Strings

# Interpolated Verbatim Strings

Verbatim strings can be combined with the new String interpolation (opens new window) features found in C#6.

Console.WriteLine($@"Testing \n 1 2 {5 - 2}
New line");


Testing \n 1 2 3
New line

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As expected from a verbatim string, the backslashes are ignored as escape characters. And as expected from an interpolated string, any expression inside curly braces is evaluated before being inserted into the string at that position.

# Escaping Double Quotes

Double Quotes inside verbatim strings can be escaped by using 2 sequential double quotes "" to represent one double quote " in the resulting string.

var str = @"""I don't think so,"" he said.";


"I don't think so," he said.

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# Verbatim strings instruct the compiler to not use character escapes

In a normal string, the backslash character is the escape character, which instructs the compiler to look at the next character(s) to determine the actual character in the string. (Full list of character escapes (opens new window))

In verbatim strings, there are no character escapes (except for "" which is turned into a "). To use a verbatim string, just prepend a @ before the starting quotes.

This verbatim string

var filename = @"c:\temp\newfile.txt"



As opposed to using an ordinary (non-verbatim) string:

var filename = "c:\temp\newfile.txt"

that will output:

c:    emp

using character escaping. (The \t is replaced with a tab character and the \n is replace with a newline.)

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# Multiline Strings

var multiLine = @"This is a 

multiline paragraph";


This is a multiline paragraph

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Multi-line strings that contain double-quotes can also be escaped just as they were on a single line, because they are verbatim strings.

var multilineWithDoubleQuotes = @"I went to a city named

                        ""San Diego""

                      during summer vacation.";

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It should be noted that the spaces/tabulations at the start of lines 2 and 3 here are actually present in the value of the variable; check this question (opens new window) for possible solutions.

# Syntax

  • @"verbatim strings are strings whose contents are not escaped, so in this case \n does not represent the newline character but two individual characters: \ and n. Verbatim strings are created prefixing the string contents with the @ character"
  • @"To escape quotation marks, ""double quotation marks"" are used."
  • # Remarks

    To concatenate string literals, use the @ symbol at the beginning of each string.

    var combinedString = @"\t means a tab" + @" and \n means a newline";