# Archive Module

The Archive module Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive provides functions for storing files in ZIP archives (Compress-Archive) and extracting them (Expand-Archive). This module is available in PowerShell 5.0 and above.

In earlier versions of PowerShell the Community Extensions (opens new window) or .NET System.IO.Compression.FileSystem (opens new window) could be used.

# Compress-Archive with wildcard

Compress-Archive -Path C:\Documents\* -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Documents.zip

This command:

  • Compresses all files in C:\Documents
  • Uses Optimal compression
  • Save the resulting archive in C:\Archives\Documents.zip
    • -DestinationPath will add .zipif not present.
    • -LiteralPath can be used if you require naming it without .zip.

    # Update existing ZIP with Compress-Archive

    Compress-Archive -Path C:\Documents\* -Update -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Documents.zip
    • this will add or replace all files Documents.zip with the new ones from C:\Documents

    # Extract a Zip with Expand-Archive

    Expand-Archive -Path C:\Archives\Documents.zip -DestinationPath C:\Documents
    • this will extract all files from Documents.zip into the folder C:\Documents

    # Syntax

    • Expand-Archive / Compress-Archive

    • -Path
    • the path of the file(s) to compress (Compress-Archive) or the path of the archive to extract the file(s) form (Expand-Archive)
    • there are several other Path related options, please see below.

    • if you do not supply this path, the archive will be created in the current working directory (Compress-Archive) or the contents of the archive will be extracted into the current working directory (Expand-Archive)

    # Parameters

    Parameter Details
    CompressionLevel (Compress-Archive only) Set compression level to either Fastest, Optimal or NoCompression
    Confirm Prompts for confirmation before running
    Force Forces the command to run without confirmation
    LiteralPath Path that is used literaly, no wildcards supported, use , to specify multiple paths
    Path Path that can contain wildcards, use , to specify multiple paths
    Update (Compress-Archive only) Update existing archive
    WhatIf Simulate the command

    # Remarks

    See MSDN Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive (5.1) (opens new window) for further reference