# Avoiding date using printf
In Bash 4.2, a shell built-in time conversion for printf
was introduced: the format specification %(datefmt)T
makes printf
output the date-time string corresponding to the format string datefmt
as understood by strftime
(opens new window).
# Get the current date
$ printf '%(%F)T\n'
# Set variable to current time
$ printf -v now '%(%T)T'
$ echo "$now"
# Syntax
- printf '%(dateFmt)T' # dateFmt can be any format string that strftime recognizes
- printf '%(dateFmt)T' -1 # -1 represents the current time (default for no argument)
- printf '%(dateFmt)T' -2 # -2 represents the time the shell was invoked
# Remarks
Using printf -v foo '%(...)T'
is identical to foo=$(date +'...')
and saves a fork for the call to the external program date