# ESLint in react-native
This is the topic for ESLint rules explanation for react-native.
# How to start
It's highly recommended to use ESLint in your project on react-native. ESLint is a tool for code validation using specific rules provided by community.
For react-native you can use rulesets for javascript, react and react-native.
Common ESLint rules with motivation and explanations for javascript you can find here: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/tree/master/docs/rules (opens new window) . You can simply add ready ruleset from ESLint developers by adding in your .eslintr.json to 'extends' node 'eslint:recommended'. ( "extends": ["eslint:recommended"] ) More about ESLint configuring you can read here: http://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/development-environment (opens new window) . It's recommended to read full doc about this extremely useful tool.
Next, full docs about rules for ES Lint react plugin you can find here: https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react/tree/master/docs/rules (opens new window) . Important note: not all rules from react are relative to react-native. For example: react/display-name and react/no-unknown-property for example. Another rules are 'must have' for every project on react-native, such as react/jsx-no-bind and react/jsx-key.
Be very careful with choosing your own ruleset.
And finaly, there is a plugin explicidly for react-native: https://github.com/intellicode/eslint-plugin-react-native (opens new window) Note: If you split your styles in separate file, rule react-native/no-inline-styles will not work.
For correct working of this tool in react-native env you might need to set value or 'env' in your config to this: "env": { "browser": true, "es6": true, "amd": true },
ESLint is a key tool for development of high quality product.