# Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions in SQL Server run calculations on sets of values, returning a single value.

# SUM()

Returns sum of numeric values in a given column.

We have table as shown in figure that will be used to perform different aggregate functions. The table name is Marksheet.

enter image description here (opens new window)

Select SUM(MarksObtained) From Marksheet

The sum function doesn't consider rows with NULL value in the field used as parameter

In the above example if we have another row like this:

106    Italian    NULL

This row will not be consider in sum calculation

# AVG()

Returns average of numeric values in a given column.

We have table as shown in figure that will be used to perform different aggregate functions. The table name is Marksheet.

enter image description here (opens new window)

Select AVG(MarksObtained) From Marksheet

The average function doesn't consider rows with NULL value in the field used as parameter

In the above example if we have another row like this:

106    Italian    NULL

This row will not be consider in average calculation

# MAX()

Returns the largest value in a given column.

We have table as shown in figure that will be used to perform different aggregate functions. The table name is Marksheet.

enter image description here (opens new window)

Select MAX(MarksObtained) From Marksheet

# MIN()

Returns the smallest value in a given column.

We have table as shown in figure that will be used to perform different aggregate functions. The table name is Marksheet.

enter image description here (opens new window)

Select MIN(MarksObtained) From Marksheet


Returns the total number of values in a given column.

We have table as shown in figure that will be used to perform different aggregate functions. The table name is Marksheet.

enter image description here (opens new window)

Select COUNT(MarksObtained) From Marksheet

The count function doesn't consider rows with NULL value in the field used as parameter. Usually the count parameter is * (all fields) so only if all fields of row are NULLs this row will not be considered

In the above example if we have another row like this:

106    Italian    NULL

This row will not be consider in count calculation


The function COUNT(*) returns the number of rows in a table. This value can also be obtained by using a constant non-null expression that contains no column references, such as COUNT(1).


Select COUNT(1) From Marksheet

# COUNT(Column_Name) with GROUP BY Column_Name

Most of the time we like to get the total number of occurrence of a column value in a table for example:


ReportName ReportPrice
Test 10.00 $
Test 10.00 $
Test 10.00 $
Test 2 11.00 $
Test 10.00 $
Test 3 14.00 $
Test 3 14.00 $
Test 4 100.00 $
    ReportName AS REPORT NAME, 
    COUNT(ReportName) AS COUNT 

Test 4
Test 2 1
Test 3 2
Test 4 1

# Syntax

  • AVG([ALL|DISTINCT]expression)
  • COUNT([ALL|DISTINCT]expression)
  • MAX([ALL|DISTINCT]expression)
  • MIN([ALL|DISTINCT]expression)
  • SUM([ALL|DISTINCT]expression)