# Git Remote

# Display Remote Repositories

To list all configured remote repositories, use git remote.

It shows the short name (aliases) of each remote handle that you have configured.

$ git remote

To show more detailed information, the --verbose or -v flag can be used. The output will include the URL and the type of the remote (push or pull):

$ git remote -v
premiumPro    https://github.com/user/CatClickerPro.git (fetch)
premiumPro    https://github.com/user/CatClickerPro.git (push)
premium    https://github.com/user/CatClicker.git (fetch)
premium    https://github.com/user/CatClicker.git (push)
origin    https://github.com/ud/starter.git (fetch)
origin    https://github.com/ud/starter.git (push)

# Change remote url of your Git repository

You may want to do this if the remote repository is migrated. The command for changing the remote url is:

git remote set-url

It takes 2 arguments: an existing remote name (origin, upstream) and the url.

Check your current remote url:

git remote -v
origin    https://bitbucket.com/develop/myrepo.git (fetch)
origin    https://bitbucket.com/develop/myrepo.git (push)

Change your remote url:

git remote set-url origin https://localserver/develop/myrepo.git

Check again your remote url:

git remote -v
origin    https://localserver/develop/myrepo.git (fetch)
origin    https://localserver/develop/myrepo.git (push)

# Remove a Remote Repository

Remove the remote named <name>. All remote-tracking branches and configuration settings for the remote are removed.

To remove a remote repository dev:

git remote rm dev

# Add a Remote Repository

To add a remote, use git remote add in the root of your local repository.

For adding a remote Git repository as an easy short name use

git remote add <name> <url>

The command git fetch <name> can then be used to create and update remote-tracking branches <name>/<branch>.

# Show more information about remote repository

You can view more information about a remote repository by git remote show <remote repository alias>

git remote show origin


remote origin
Fetch URL:  https://localserver/develop/myrepo.git
Push  URL:  https://localserver/develop/myrepo.git
HEAD branch: master
Remote branches:
  master      tracked
Local branches configured for 'git pull':
  master      merges with remote master
Local refs configured for 'git push':
  master      pushes to master      (up to date)

# Rename a Remote Repository

Rename the remote named <old> to <new>. All remote-tracking branches and configuration settings for the remote are updated.

To rename a remote branch name dev to dev1 :

git remote rename dev dev1

# Syntax

  • git remote [-v | --verbose]
  • git remote add [-t <branch>] [-m <master>] [-f] [--[no-]tags] [--mirror=<fetch|push>]<name> <url>
  • git remote rename <old> <new>
  • git remote remove <name>
  • git remote set-head <name> (-a | --auto | -d | --delete | <branch>)
  • git remote set-branches [--add] <name> <branch>...
  • git remote set-url [--push] <name> <newurl> [<oldurl>]
  • git remote set-url --add [--push] <name> <newurl>
  • git remote set-url --delete [--push] <name> <url>
  • git remote [-v | --verbose] show [-n] <name>...
  • git remote prune [-n | --dry-run] <name>...
  • git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<group> | <remote>)...]
  • git remote show <name>

# Parameters

Parameter Details
-v, --verbose Run verbosely.
-m Sets head to remote's branch
--mirror=fetch Refs will not be stored in refs/remotes namespace, but instead will be mirrored in the local repo
--mirror=push git push will behave as if --mirror was passed
--no-tags git fetch <name> does not import tags from the remote repo
-t Specifies the remote to track only
-f git fetch <name> is run immediately after remote is set up
--tags git fetch <name> imports every tag from the remote repo
-a, --auto The symbolic-ref's HEAD is set to the same branch as the remote's HEAD
-d, --delete All listed refs are deleted from the remote repository
--add Adds to list of currently tracked branches (set-branches)
--add Instead of changing some URL, new URL is added (set-url)
--all Push all branches.
--delete All urls matching are deleted. (set-url)
--push Push URLS are manipulated instead of fetch URLS
-n The remote heads are not queried first with git ls-remote <name>, cached information is used instead
--dry-run report what branches will be pruned, but do not actually prune them
--prune Remove remote branches that don't have a local counterpart