# Array
# Array definition
Dim array(9) As Integer ' Defines an array variable with 10 Integer elements (0-9).
Dim array = New Integer(10) {} ' Defines an array variable with 11 Integer elements (0-10)
'using New.
Dim array As Integer() = {1, 2, 3, 4} ' Defines an Integer array variable and populate it
'using an array literal. Populates the array with
'4 elements.
ReDim Preserve array(10) ' Redefines the size of an existing array variable preserving any
'existing values in the array. The array will now have 11 Integer
'elements (0-10).
ReDim array(10) ' Redefines the size of an existing array variable discarding any
'existing values in the array. The array will now have 11 Integer
'elements (0-10).
# Zero-Based
All arrays in VB.NET are zero-based. In other words, the index of the first item (the lower bound) in a VB.NET array is always 0
. Older versions of VB, such as VB6 and VBA, were one-based by default, but they provided a way to override the default bounds. In those earlier versions of VB, the lower and upper bounds could be explicitly stated (e.g. Dim array(5 To 10)
. In VB.NET, in order to maintain compatibility with other .NET languages, that flexibility was removed and the lower bound of 0
is now always enforced. However, the To
syntax can still be used in VB.NET, which may make the range more explicitly clear. For instance, the following examples are all equivalent to the ones listed above:
Dim array(0 To 9) As Integer
Dim array = New Integer(0 To 10) {}
ReDim Preserve array(0 To 10)
ReDim array(0 To 10)
Nested Array Declarations
Dim myArray = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}
# Null Array Variables
Since arrays are reference types, an array variable can be null. To declare a null array variable, you must declare it without a size:
Dim array() As Integer
Dim array As Integer()
To check if an array is null, test to see if it Is Nothing
Dim array() As Integer
If array Is Nothing Then
array = {1, 2, 3}
End If
To set an existing array variable to null, simply set it to Nothing
Dim array() As Integer = {1, 2, 3}
array = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(array(0)) ' Throws a NullReferenceException
Or use Erase
, which does the same thing:
Dim array() As Integer = {1, 2, 3}
Erase array
Console.WriteLine(array(0)) ' Throws a NullReferenceException
# Declare a single-dimension array and set array element values
Dim array = New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4}
Dim array As Int32() = {1, 2, 3, 4}
# Array initialization
Dim array() As Integer = {2, 0, 1, 6} ''Initialize an array of four Integers.
Dim strings() As String = {"this", "is", "an", "array"} ''Initialize an array of four Strings.
Dim floats() As Single = {56.2, 55.633, 1.2, 5.7743, 22.345}
''Initialize an array of five Singles, which are the same as floats in C#.
Dim miscellaneous() as Object = { New Object(), "Hello", New List(of String) }
''Initialize an array of three references to any reference type objects
''and point them to objects of three different types.
# Jagged Array Initialization
Note the parenthesis to distinguish between a jagged array and a multidimensional array SubArrays can be of different length
Dim jaggedArray()() As Integer = { ({1, 2, 3}), ({4, 5, 6}), ({7}) }
' jaggedArray(0) is {1, 2, 3} and so jaggedArray(0)(0) is 1
' jaggedArray(1) is {4, 5, 6} and so jaggedArray(1)(0) is 4
' jaggedArray(2) is {7} and so jaggedArray(2)(0) is 7
# Referencing Same Array from Two Variables
Since arrays are reference types, it is possible to have multiple variables pointing to the same array object.
Dim array1() As Integer = {1, 2, 3}
Dim array2() As Integer = array1
array1(0) = 4
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(", ", array2)) ' Writes "4, 2, 3"
# Non-zero lower bounds
With Option Strict On
, although the .NET Framework allows the creation of single dimension arrays with non-zero lower bounds they are not "vectors" and so not compatible with VB.NET typed arrays. This means they can only be seen as Array
and so cannot use normal array (index)
Dim a As Array = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Integer), {4}, {-1})
For y = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
a.SetValue(y * y, y)
For y = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
Console.WriteLine($"{y}: {a.GetValue(y)}")
As well as by using Option Strict Off
, you can get the (index)
syntax back by treating the array as an IList
, but then it's not an array, so you can't use LBound
and UBound
on that variable name (and you're still not avoiding boxing):
Dim nsz As IList = a
For y = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
nsz(y) = 2 - CInt(nsz(y))
For y = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
Console.WriteLine($"{y}: {nsz(y)}")
Multi-dimensional non-zero lower bounded arrays are compatible with VB.NET multi-dimensional typed arrays:
Dim nza(,) As Integer = DirectCast(Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Integer),
{4, 3}, {1, -1}), Integer(,))
For y = LBound(nza) To UBound(nza)
For w = LBound(nza, 2) To UBound(nza, 2)
nza(y, w) = -y * w + nza(UBound(nza) - y + LBound(nza),
UBound(nza, 2) - w + LBound(nza, 2))
For y = LBound(nza) To UBound(nza)
Dim ly = y
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ",
Enumerable.Repeat(ly & ":", 1).Concat(
Enumerable.Range(LBound(nza, 2), UBound(nza, 2) - LBound(nza, 2) + 1) _
.Select(Function(w) CStr(nza(ly, w))))))
MSDN reference: Array.CreateInstance (opens new window)
# Multidimensional Array initialization
Dim array2D(,) As Integer = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}
' array2D(0, 0) is 1 ; array2D(0, 1) is 2 ; array2D(1, 0) is 4
Dim array3D(,,) As Integer = {{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}, {{7, 8, 9}, {10, 11, 12}}}
' array3D(0, 0, 0) is 1 ; array3D(0, 0, 1) is 2
' array3D(0, 1, 0) is 4 ; array3D(1, 0, 0) is 7
# Remarks
Dim myArray(2) As Integer
An array is an index-ordered collection of objects. The type of object is defined by the type given in the array declaration.
Arrays in Visual Basic .NET are most commonly (and by default) zero (0) based, meaning that the first index is 0. An array of 10 elements will have an index range of 0-9. When accessing array elements, the maximum accessible index is one less than the total number of elements. Because of this, loops that access array indices incrementally should always do a range check where the value is less than the array length.