# Unit Testing
# tape
tape (opens new window) is minimalistic JavaScript testing framework, it outputs TAP-compliant (opens new window) markup.
To install tape
using npm
run command
npm install --save-dev tape @types/tape
To use tape
with Typescript you need to install ts-node
as global package, to do this run command
npm install -g ts-node
Now you are ready to write your first test
import * as test from "tape";
test("Math test", (t) => {
t.equal(4, 2 + 2);
t.true(5 > 2 + 2);
To execute test run command
ts-node node_modules/tape/bin/tape math.test.ts
In output you should see
TAP version 13
# Math test
ok 1 should be equal
ok 2 should be truthy
# tests 2
# pass 2
# ok
Good job, you just ran your TypeScript test.
Run multiple test files
You can run multiple test files at once using path wildcards.
To execute all Typescript tests in tests
directory run command
ts-node node_modules/tape/bin/tape tests/**/*.ts
# jest (ts-jest)
jest (opens new window) is painless JavaScript testing framework by Facebook, with ts-jest (opens new window) can be used to test TypeScript code.
To install jest using npm run command
npm install --save-dev jest @types/jest ts-jest typescript
For ease of use install jest
as global package
npm install -g jest
To make jest
work with TypeScript you need to add configuration to package.json
"jest": {
"transform": {
".(ts|tsx)": "<rootDir>/node_modules/ts-jest/preprocessor.js"
"testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|\\.(test|spec))\\.(ts|tsx|js)$",
"moduleFileExtensions": ["ts", "tsx", "js"]
Now jest
is ready.
Assume we have sample fizz buz to test
export function fizzBuzz(n: number): string {
let output = "";
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (i % 5 && i % 3) {
output += i + ' ';
if (i % 3 === 0) {
output += 'Fizz ';
if (i % 5 === 0) {
output += 'Buzz ';
return output;
Example test could look like
/// <reference types="jest" />
import {fizzBuzz} from "./fizzBuzz";
test("FizzBuzz test", () =>{
expect(fizzBuzz(2)).toBe("1 2 ");
expect(fizzBuzz(3)).toBe("1 2 Fizz ");
To execute test run
In output you should see
PASS ./fizzBuzz.test.ts
✓ FizzBuzz test (3ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.46s, estimated 2s
Ran all test suites.
# Code coverage
supports generation of code coverage reports.
To use code coverage with TypeScript you need to add another configuration line to package.json
"jest": {
"testResultsProcessor": "<rootDir>/node_modules/ts-jest/coverageprocessor.js"
To run tests with generation of coverage report run
jest --coverage
If used with our sample fizz buzz you should see
PASS ./fizzBuzz.test.ts
✓ FizzBuzz test (3ms)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files | 92.31 | 87.5 | 100 | 91.67 | |
fizzBuzz.ts | 92.31 | 87.5 | 100 | 91.67 | 13 |
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.857s
Ran all test suites.
also created folder coverage
which contains coverage report in various formats, including user friendly html report in coverage/lcov-report/index.html
# Alsatian
Alsatian (opens new window) is a unit testing framework written in TypeScript. It allows for usage of Test Cases, and outputs TAP-compliant (opens new window) markup.
To use it, install it from npm
npm install alsatian --save-dev
Then set up a test file:
import { Expect, Test, TestCase } from "alsatian";
import { SomeModule } from "../src/some-module";
export SomeModuleTests {
public statusShouldBeTrueByDefault() {
let instance = new SomeModule();
@Test("Name should be null by default")
public nameShouldBeNullByDefault() {
let instance = new SomeModule();
@TestCase("first name")
public shouldSetNameCorrectly(name: string) {
let instance = new SomeModule();
For a full documentation, see alsatian's GitHub repo (opens new window).
# chai-immutable plugin
npm install --save-dev chai chai-immutable ts-node
npm install --save-dev @types/mocha @types/chai
import {List, Set} from 'immutable';
import * as chai from 'chai';
import * as chaiImmutable from 'chai-immutable';
describe('chai immutable example', () => {
it('example', () => {
mocha --compilers ts:ts-node/register,tsx:ts-node/register 'test/**/*.spec.@(ts|tsx)'