# Classes

TypeScript, like ECMA Script 6, support object-oriented programming using classes. This contrasts with older JavaScript versions, which only supported prototype-based inheritance chain.

The class support in TypeScript is similar to that of languages like Java and C#, in that classes may inherit from other classes, while objects are instantiated as class instances.

Also similar to those languages, TypeScript classes may implement interfaces or make use of generics.

# Abstract Classes

abstract class Machine {
    constructor(public manufacturer: string) {

    // An abstract class can define methods of it's own, or...
    summary(): string {
        return `${this.manufacturer} makes this machine.`;
    // Require inheriting classes to implement methods
    abstract moreInfo(): string;

class Car extends Machine {
    constructor(manufacturer: string, public position: number, protected speed: number) {
    move() {
        this.position += this.speed;
    moreInfo() {
        return `This is a car located at ${this.position} and going ${this.speed}mph!`;

let myCar = new Car("Konda", 10, 70);
myCar.move(); // position is now 80
console.log(myCar.summary()); // prints "Konda makes this machine."
console.log(myCar.moreInfo()); // prints "This is a car located at 80 and going 70mph!"

Abstract classes are base classes from which other classes can extend. They cannot be instantiated themselves (i.e. you cannot do new Machine("Konda")).

The two key characteristics of an abstract class in Typescript are:

  1. They can implement methods of their own.
  2. They can define methods that inheriting classes must implement.

For this reason, abstract classes can conceptually be considered a combination of an interface and a class.

# Simple class

class Car {
    public position: number = 0;
    private speed: number = 42;
    move() {
        this.position += this.speed;

In this example, we declare a simple class Car. The class has three members: a private property speed, a public property position and a public method move. Note that each member is public by default. That's why move() is public, even if we didn't use the public keyword.

var car = new Car();        // create an instance of Car
car.move();                 // call a method
console.log(car.position);  // access a public property

# Basic Inheritance

class Car {
    public position: number = 0;
    protected speed: number = 42;
    move() {
        this.position += this.speed;

class SelfDrivingCar extends Car {

    move() {
        // start moving around :-)

This examples shows how to create a very simple subclass of the Car class using the extends keyword. The SelfDrivingCar class overrides the move() method and uses the base class implemention using super.

# Constructors

In this example we use the constructor to declare a public property position and a protected property speed in the base class. These properties are called Parameter properties. They let us declare a constructor parameter and a member in one place.

One of the best things in TypeScript, is automatic assignment of constructor parameters to the relevant property.

class Car {
    public position: number;        
    protected speed: number;

    constructor(position: number, speed: number) {
        this.position = position;
        this.speed = speed;
    move() {
        this.position += this.speed;

All this code can be resumed in one single constructor:

class Car {
    constructor(public position: number, protected speed: number) {}
    move() {
        this.position += this.speed;

And both of them will be transpiled from TypeScript (design time and compile time) to JavaScript with same result, but writing significantly less code:

var Car = (function () {
    function Car(position, speed) {
        this.position = position;
        this.speed = speed;
    Car.prototype.move = function () {
        this.position += this.speed;
    return Car;

Constructors of derived classes have to call the base class constructor with super().

class SelfDrivingCar extends Car {
    constructor(startAutoPilot: boolean) {
        super(0, 42);
        if (startAutoPilot) {

let car = new SelfDrivingCar(true);
console.log(car.position);  // access the public property position

# Accessors

In this example, we modify the "Simple class" example to allow access to the speed property. Typescript accessors allow us to add additional code in getters or setters.

class Car {
    public position: number = 0;
    private _speed: number = 42;
    private _MAX_SPEED = 100
    move() {
        this.position += this._speed;
    get speed(): number {
        return this._speed;

    set speed(value: number) {
        this._speed = Math.min(value, this._MAX_SPEED);

let car = new Car();
car.speed = 120;
console.log(car.speed);  // 100

# Monkey patch a function into an existing class

Sometimes it's useful to be able to extend a class with new functions. For example let's suppose that a string should be converted to a camel case string. So we need to tell TypeScript, that String contains a function called toCamelCase, which returns a string.

interface String {
    toCamelCase(): string;

Now we can patch this function into the String implementation.

String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() : string {
    return this.replace(/[^a-z ]/ig, '')
        .replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+)/g, (match: any, index: number) => {
            return +match === 0 ? "" : match[index === 0 ? 'toLowerCase' : 'toUpperCase']();

If this extension of String is loaded, it's usable like this:

"This is an example".toCamelCase();    // => "thisIsAnExample"

# Transpilation

Given a class SomeClass, let's see how the TypeScript is transpiled into JavaScript.

# TypeScript source

class SomeClass {

    public static SomeStaticValue: string = "hello";
    public someMemberValue: number = 15;
    private somePrivateValue: boolean = false;

    constructor () {
        SomeClass.SomeStaticValue = SomeClass.getGoodbye();
        this.someMemberValue = this.getFortyTwo();
        this.somePrivateValue = this.getTrue();

    public static getGoodbye(): string {
        return "goodbye!";

    public getFortyTwo(): number {
        return 42;

    private getTrue(): boolean {
        return true;


# JavaScript source

When transpiled using TypeScript v2.2.2, the output is like so:

var SomeClass = (function () {
    function SomeClass() {
        this.someMemberValue = 15;
        this.somePrivateValue = false;
        SomeClass.SomeStaticValue = SomeClass.getGoodbye();
        this.someMemberValue = this.getFortyTwo();
        this.somePrivateValue = this.getTrue();
    SomeClass.getGoodbye = function () {
        return "goodbye!";
    SomeClass.prototype.getFortyTwo = function () {
        return 42;
    SomeClass.prototype.getTrue = function () {
        return true;
    return SomeClass;
SomeClass.SomeStaticValue = "hello";

# Observations

  • The modification of the class' prototype is wrapped inside an IIFE (opens new window).
  • Member variables are defined inside the main class function.
  • Static properties are added directly to the class object, whereas instance properties are added to the prototype.