# String Functions
String functions perform operations on string values and return either numeric or string values.
Using string functions, you can, for example, combine data, extract a substring, compare strings, or convert a string to all uppercase or lowercase characters.
# Concatenate
In (standard ANSI/ISO) SQL, the operator for string concatenation is ||
. This syntax is supported by all major databases except SQL Server:
SELECT 'Hello' || 'World' || '!'; --returns HelloWorld!
Many databases support a CONCAT
function to join strings:
SELECT CONCAT('Hello', 'World'); --returns 'HelloWorld'
Some databases support using CONCAT
to join more than two strings (Oracle does not):
SELECT CONCAT('Hello', 'World', '!'); --returns 'HelloWorld!'
In some databases, non-string types must be cast or converted:
SELECT CONCAT('Foo', CAST(42 AS VARCHAR(5)), 'Bar'); --returns 'Foo42Bar'
Some databases (e.g., Oracle) perform implicit lossless conversions. For example, a CONCAT
on a CLOB
yields a NCLOB
on a number and a varchar2
results in a varchar2
, etc.:
SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('Foo', 42), 'Bar') FROM dual; --returns Foo42Bar
Some databases can use the non-standard +
operator (but in most, +
works only for numbers):
SELECT 'Foo' + CAST(42 AS VARCHAR(5)) + 'Bar';
On SQL Server < 2012, where CONCAT
is not supported, +
is the only way to join strings.
# Length
SQL Server
The LEN doesn't count the trailing space.
SELECT LEN('Hello') -- returns 5
SELECT LEN('Hello '); -- returns 5
The DATALENGTH counts the trailing space.
SELECT DATALENGTH('Hello') -- returns 5
SELECT DATALENGTH('Hello '); -- returns 6
It should be noted though, that DATALENGTH returns the length of the underlying byte representation of the string, which depends, i.a., on the charset used to store the string.
DECLARE @str varchar(100) = 'Hello ' --varchar is usually an ASCII string, occupying 1 byte per char
SELECT DATALENGTH(@str) -- returns 6
DECLARE @nstr nvarchar(100) = 'Hello ' --nvarchar is a unicode string, occupying 2 bytes per char
SELECT DATALENGTH(@nstr) -- returns 12
Syntax: Length ( char )
SELECT Length('Bible') FROM dual; --Returns 5
SELECT Length('righteousness') FROM dual; --Returns 13
SELECT Length(NULL) FROM dual; --Returns NULL
See Also: LengthB, LengthC, Length2, Length4
# Trim empty spaces
Trim is used to remove write-space at the beginning or end of selection
In MSSQL there is no single TRIM()
SELECT LTRIM(' Hello ') --returns 'Hello '
SELECT RTRIM(' Hello ') --returns ' Hello'
SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(' Hello ')) --returns 'Hello'
MySql and Oracle
SELECT TRIM(' Hello ') --returns 'Hello'
# Upper & lower case
SELECT UPPER('HelloWorld') --returns 'HELLOWORLD'
SELECT LOWER('HelloWorld') --returns 'helloworld'
# Split
Splits a string expression using a character separator. Note that STRING_SPLIT()
is a table-valued function.
SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', ' ');
# Replace
String to search ,
String to search for and replace ,
String to place into the original string )
SELECT REPLACE( 'Peter Steve Tom', 'Steve', 'Billy' ) --Return Values: Peter Billy Tom
# Substring
Syntax is: SUBSTRING ( string_expression, start, length )
. Note that SQL strings are 1-indexed.
SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello', 1, 2) --returns 'He'
SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello', 3, 3) --returns 'llo'
This is often used in conjunction with the LEN()
function to get the last n
characters of a string of unknown length.
DECLARE @str1 VARCHAR(10) = 'Hello', @str2 VARCHAR(10) = 'FooBarBaz';
SELECT SUBSTRING(@str1, LEN(@str1) - 2, 3) --returns 'llo'
SELECT SUBSTRING(@str2, LEN(@str2) - 2, 3) --returns 'Baz'
# Stuff
Stuff a string into another, replacing 0 or more characters at a certain position.
Note: start
position is 1-indexed (you start indexing at 1, not 0).
STUFF ( character_expression , start , length , replaceWith_expression )
SELECT STUFF('FooBarBaz', 4, 3, 'Hello') --returns 'FooHelloBaz'
Checks if a string matches a regular expression (defined by another string).
SELECT 'bedded' REGEXP '[a-f]' -- returns True
SELECT 'beam' REGEXP '[a-f]' -- returns False
Syntax is:
LEFT ( string-expression , integer )
RIGHT ( string-expression , integer )
SELECT LEFT('Hello',2) --return He
SELECT RIGHT('Hello',2) --return lo
Oracle SQL doesn't have LEFT and RIGHT functions. They can be emulated with SUBSTR and LENGTH.
SUBSTR ( string-expression, 1, integer )
SUBSTR ( string-expression, length(string-expression)-integer+1, integer)
SELECT SUBSTR('Hello',1,2) --return He
SELECT SUBSTR('Hello',LENGTH('Hello')-2+1,2) --return lo
Syntax is: REVERSE ( string-expression )
SELECT REVERSE('Hello') --returns olleH
function concatenates a string with itself a specified number of times.
Syntax is: REPLICATE ( string-expression , integer )
SELECT REPLICATE ('Hello',4) --returns 'HelloHelloHelloHello'
# Replace function in sql Select and Update query
The Replace function in SQL is used to update the content of a string. The function call is REPLACE( ) for MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server.
The syntax of the Replace function is:
REPLACE (str, find, repl)
The following example replaces occurrences of South
with Southern
in Employees table:
FirstName | Address |
James | South New York |
John | South Boston |
Michael | South San Diego |
Select Statement :
If we apply the following Replace function:
REPLACE (Address, 'South', 'Southern') Address
FROM Employees
ORDER BY FirstName
FirstName | Address |
James | Southern New York |
John | Southern Boston |
Michael | Southern San Diego |
Update Statement :
We can use a replace function to make permanent changes in our table through following approach.
Update Employees
Set city = (Address, 'South', 'Southern');
A more common approach is to use this in conjunction with a WHERE clause like this:
Update Employees
Set Address = (Address, 'South', 'Southern')
Where Address LIKE 'South%';
PARSENAME function returns the specific part of given string(object name). object name may contains string like object name,owner name, database name and server name.
More details MSDN:PARSENAME (opens new window)
To get object name use part index 1
SELECT PARSENAME('ServerName.DatabaseName.SchemaName.ObjectName',1) // returns `ObjectName`
SELECT PARSENAME('[1012-1111].SchoolDatabase.school.Student',1) // returns `Student`
To get schema name use part index 2
SELECT PARSENAME('ServerName.DatabaseName.SchemaName.ObjectName',2) // returns `SchemaName`
SELECT PARSENAME('[1012-1111].SchoolDatabase.school.Student',2) // returns `school`
To get database name use part index 3
SELECT PARSENAME('ServerName.DatabaseName.SchemaName.ObjectName',3) // returns `DatabaseName`
SELECT PARSENAME('[1012-1111].SchoolDatabase.school.Student',3) // returns `SchoolDatabase`
To get server name use part index 4
SELECT PARSENAME('ServerName.DatabaseName.SchemaName.ObjectName',4) // returns `ServerName`
SELECT PARSENAME('[1012-1111].SchoolDatabase.school.Student',4) // returns `[1012-1111]`
PARSENAME will returns null is specified part is not present in given object name string
Return the index of the first occurrence of a substring (zero if not found)
Syntax: INSTR ( string, substring )
SELECT INSTR('FooBarBar', 'Bar') -- return 4
SELECT INSTR('FooBarBar', 'Xar') -- return 0
# Syntax
- CONCAT ( string_value1, string_value2 [, string_valueN ] )
- LTRIM ( character_expression )
- RTRIM ( character_expression )
- SUBSTRING ( expression ,start , length )
- ASCII ( character_expression )
- REPLICATE ( string_expression ,integer_expression )
- REVERSE ( string_expression )
- UPPER ( character_expression )
- TRIM ( [ characters FROM ] string )
- STRING_SPLIT ( string , separator )
- STUFF ( character_expression , start , length , replaceWith_expression )
- REPLACE ( string_expression , string_pattern , string_replacement )
# Remarks
String functions reference for Transact-SQL / Microsoft (opens new window)
String functions reference for MySQL (opens new window)
String functions reference for PostgreSQL (opens new window)