# Backup script for a production DB
# saveProdDb.sh
In general, we tend to back up the DB with the pgAdmin client. The following is a sh script used to save the database (under linux) in two formats:
cd /save_db
#rm -R /save_db/*
DATE=$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%Hh%M)
echo -e "Sauvegarde de la base du ${DATE}"
mkdir prodDir${DATE}
cd prodDir${DATE}
#dump file
/opt/postgres/9.0/bin/pg_dump -i -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -F c -b -w -v -f "dbprod${DATE}.backup" dbprod
#SQL file
/opt/postgres/9.0/bin/pg_dump -i -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres --format plain --verbose -f "dbprod${DATE}.sql" dbprod
# Syntax
- The script allows you to create a backup directory for each execution with the following syntax : Name of database backup directory + date and time of execution
- Example : prodDir22-11-2016-19h55
- After it's created, it creates two backup files with the following syntax : Name of database + date and time of execution
- Example :
- dbprod22-11-2016-19h55.backup (dump file)
- dbprod22-11-2016-19h55.sql (sql file)
- At the end of one execution at 22-11-2016 @ 19h55, we get :
- /save_bd/prodDir22-11-2016-19h55/dbprod22-11-2016-19h55.backup
- /save_bd/prodDir22-11-2016-19h55/dbprod22-11-2016-19h55.sql
# Parameters
parameter | details |
save_db | The main backup directory |
dbProd | The secondary backup directory |
DATE | The date of the backup in the specified format |
dbprod | The name of the database to be saved |
/opt/postgres/9.0/bin/pg_dump | The path to the pg_dump binary |
-h | Specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is running, Example : localhost |
-p | Specifies the TCP port or local Unix domain socket file extension on which the server is listening for connections, Example 5432 |
-U | User name to connect as. |
# Remarks
To avoid cluttering the backup tool because the backup of old files is supposed to be done.
To enable this feature please uncomment line N° 3.
rm -R / save_db / *
- In the case where the budget does not allow to have a tool of backup, one can always use the tasks planner (cron command (opens new window)).
The following command is used to edit the cron table for the current user.
crontab -e
Schedule the launch of the script with the calendar at 11pm.
0 23 * * * /saveProdDb.sh