# Comment Mysql

# Adding comments

There are three types of comment:

# This comment continues to the end of line

-- This comment continues to the end of line

/* This is an in-line comment */ 

This is a
multiple-line comment


SELECT * FROM t1; -- this is comment

    /*id_user int,
    username varchar(30),
    password varchar(30)
    id int

The -- method requires that a space follows the -- before the comment begins, otherwise it will be interpreted as a command and usually cause an error.

#This comment works
/*This comment works.*/
--This comment does not.

# Commenting table definitions

CREATE TABLE menagerie.bird (
    species VARCHAR(300) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'You can include genus, but never subspecies.',
    INDEX idx_species (species) COMMENT 'We must search on species often.',
    PRIMARY KEY (bird_id)
) ENGINE=InnoDB COMMENT 'This table was inaugurated on February 10th.';

Using an = after COMMENT is optional. (Official docs (opens new window))

These comments, unlike the others, are saved with the schema and can be retrieved via SHOW CREATE TABLE or from information_schema.

# Remarks

The -- style of comment, which requires a trailing space, differs in behavior from the SQL standard (opens new window), which does not require the space.