# Built-in helper Functions
# angular.equals
The angular.equals
function compares and determines if 2 objects or values are equal, angular.equals
performs a deep comparison and returns true if and only if at least 1 of the following conditions is met.
angular.equals(value1, value2)
- If the objects or values pass the
comparison - If both objects or values are of the same type, and all of their properties are also equal by using
- Both values are equal to
- Both values represent the same regular expression's result.
This function is helpful when you need to deep compare objects or arrays by their values or results rather than just references.
angular.equals(1, 1) // true
angular.equals(1, 2) // false
angular.equals({}, {}) // true, note that {}==={} is false
angular.equals({a: 1}, {a: 1}) // true
angular.equals({a: 1}, {a: 2}) // false
angular.equals(NaN, NaN) // true
# angular.toJson
The function angular.toJson
will take an object and serialize it into a JSON formatted string.
Unlike the native function JSON.stringify
, This function will remove all properties beginning with $$
(as angular usually prefixes internal properties with $$
As data needs to be serialized before passing through a network, this function is useful to turn any data you wish to transmit into JSON.
This function is also useful for debugging as it works similarly to a .toString
method would act.
angular.toJson({name: "barf", occupation: "mog", $$somebizzareproperty: 42})
// "{"name":"barf","occupation":"mog"}"
// "42"
angular.toJson([1, "2", 3, "4"])
// "[1,"2",3,"4"]"
var fn = function(value) {return value}
// undefined, functions have no representation in JSON
# angular.copy
The angular.copy
function takes an object, array or a value and creates a deep copy of it.
let obj = {name: "vespa", occupation: "princess"};
let cpy = angular.copy(obj);
cpy.name = "yogurt"
// obj = {name: "vespa", occupation: "princess"}
// cpy = {name: "yogurt", occupation: "princess"}
var w = [a, [b, [c, [d]]]];
var q = angular.copy(w);
// q = [a, [b, [c, [d]]]]
At the above example angular.equals(w, q)
will evaluate to true because .equals
tests equality by value.
however w === q
will evaluate to false because strict comparison between objects and arrays is done by reference.
# angular.isString
The function angular.isString
returns true if the object or value given to it is of the type string
angular.isString("hello") // true
angular.isString([1, 2]) // false
angular.isString(42) // false
This is the equivalent of performing
typeof someValue === "string"
# angular.isArray
The angular.isArray
function returns true if and only if the object or value passed to it is of the type Array
angular.isArray([]) // true
angular.isArray([2, 3]) // true
angular.isArray({}) // false
angular.isArray(17) // false
It is the equivalent of
# angular.merge
The function angular.merge takes all the enumerable properties from the source object to deeply extend the destination object.
The function returns a reference to the now extended destination object
angular.merge(destination, source)
angular.merge({}, {}) // {}
angular.merge({name: "king roland"}, {password: "12345"})
// {name: "king roland", password: "12345"}
angular.merge({a: 1}, [4, 5, 6]) // {0: 4, 1: 5, 2: 6, a: 1}
angular.merge({a: 1}, {b: {c: {d: 2} }}) // {"a":1,"b":{"c":{"d":2} }}
# angular.isDefined and angular.isUndefined
The function angular.isDefined
tests a value if it is defined
This is the equivalent of performing
value !== undefined; // will evaluate to true is value is defined
angular.isDefined(42) // true
angular.isDefined([1, 2]) // true
angular.isDefined(undefined) // false
angular.isDefined(null) // true
The function angular.isUndefined
tests if a value is undefined (it is effectively the opposite of angular.isDefined
This is the equivalent of performing
value === undefined; // will evaluate to true is value is undefined
Or just
angular.isUndefined(42) // false
angular.isUndefined(undefined) // true
# angular.isDate
The angular.isDate
function returns true if and only if the object passed to it is of the type Date.
angular.isDate("lone star") // false
angular.isDate(new Date()) // true
# angular.isFunction
The function angular.isFunction
determines and returns true if and only if the value passed to is a reference to a function.
The function returns a reference to the now extended destination object
var onClick = function(e) {return e};
angular.isFunction(onClick); // true
var someArray = ["pizza", "the", "hut"];
angular.isFunction(someArray ); // false
# angular.noop
The angular.noop
is a function that performs no operations, you pass angular.noop
when you need to provide a function argument that will do nothing.
A common use for angular.noop
can be to provide an empty callback to a function that will otherwise throw an error when something else than a function is passed to it.
$scope.onSomeChange = function(model, callback) {
if (angular.isFunction(callback)) {
} else {
throw new Error("error: callback is not a function!");
$scope.onSomeChange(42, function() {console.log("hello callback")});
// will update the model and print 'hello callback'
$scope.onSomeChange(42, angular.noop);
// will update the model
Additional examples:
angular.noop() // undefined
angular.isFunction(angular.noop) // true
# angular.isElement
The angular.isElement
returns true if the argument passed to it is a DOM Element or a jQuery wrapped Element.
This function is useful to type check if a passed argument is an element before being processed as such.
// true
// false if "some_id" is not using as an id inside the selected DOM
// false
# angular.isNumber
The angular.isNumber
function returns true if and only if the object or value passed to it is of the type Number, this includes +Infinity, -Infinity and NaN
This function will not cause a type coercion such as
"23" == 23 // true
angular.isNumber("23") // false
angular.isNumber(23) // true
angular.isNumber(NaN) // true
angular.isNumber(Infinity) // true
This function will not cause a type coercion such as
"23" == 23 // true
# angular.fromJson
The function angular.fromJson
will deserialize a valid JSON string and return an Object or an Array.
Note that this function is not limited to only strings, it will output a representation of any object passed to it.
angular.fromJson("{\"yogurt\": \"strawberries\"}")
// Object {yogurt: "strawberries"}
angular.fromJson('{jam: "raspberries"}')
// will throw an exception as the string is not a valid JSON
// Window {external: Object, chrome: Object, _gaq: Y, angular: Object, ng339: 3…}
angular.fromJson([1, 2])
// [1, 2]
typeof angular.fromJson(new Date())
// "object"
# angular.isObject
The angular.isObject
return true if and only if the argument passed to it is an object, this function will also return true for an Array and will return false for null
even though typeof null
is object
This function is useful for type checking when you need a defined object to process.
angular.isObject({name: "skroob", job: "president"})
// true
// false
// true
angular.isObject(new Date())
// true
// false
# angular.identity
The angular.identity
function returns the first argument passed to it.
This function is useful for functional programming, you can provide this function as a default in case an expected function was not passed.
angular.identity(42) // 42
var mutate = function(fn, num) {
return angular.isFunction(fn) ? fn(num) : angular.identity(num)
mutate(function(value) {return value-7}, 42) // 35
mutate(null, 42) // 42
mutate("mount. rushmore", 42) // 42
# angular.forEach
The angular.forEach
accepts an object and an iterator function. It then runs the iterator function over each enumerable property/value of the object. This function also works on arrays.
Like the JS version of Array.prototype.forEach
The function does not iterate over inherited properties (prototype properties), however the function will not attempt to process a null
or an undefined
value and will just return it.
angular.forEach(object, function(value, key) { // function});
angular.forEach({"a": 12, "b": 34}, (value, key) => console.log("key: " + key + ", value: " + value))
// key: a, value: 12
// key: b, value: 34
angular.forEach([2, 4, 6, 8, 10], (value, key) => console.log(key))
// will print the array indices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
angular.forEach([2, 4, 6, 8, 10], (value, key) => console.log(value))
// will print the array values: 2, 4, 6, 7, 10
angular.forEach(undefined, (value, key) => console.log("key: " + key + ", value: " + value))
// undefined